Following the success of last year's  T'ai Chi and Mindfulness Retreats in Dzogchen Beara Buddhist Centre, we are delighted to announce our Autumn Retreat  3-5 November.

Movement in Stillness and Stillness in Movement

We will Dance with these mysterious dimensions of our Being, exploring T''ai Chi and Mindfulness, following our Hearts and connecting with our True Nature.

This weekend will be an unique opportunity for you to get to know yourself through stillness, movement, and connection. With T'a Chi led by Ann McIlraith and Mindfulness with Trish Lyne and fresh, locally sourced vegetarian cuisine by a local chef, this retreat promises to be a deeply restorative time for body and mind.


Weekend Retreat: €200 including all classes, meals and snacks. 

Accommodation: There is a wide variety of onsite accommodations available, please contact us for more detais. 

Contact: Ann McIlraith, 087 6616 800 /

Trisha Lyne, 027 71980 /


About Trisha

Patricia Lyne, MA, HDip Psychology, has a background in marketing, human resources, psychology and health.  She has worked in the corporate sector across Europe and within community and voluntary sectors in Ireland.  Integrating mind-body approaches to health, Tricia supports people wanting to rebalance what has become imbalanced in their lives so they may live life to the fullest.  

Qualifications include Craniosacral Therapy (Death & Dying; Somato-Emotional Release; Immune Response; Paediatrics); Physical Therapy; Medical Massage for People Living with Cancer; Exercise, Health & Personal Training; Pilates (Postural Analysis; Injuries & Special Populations; Stability & Function); and Deep Listening. 

Tricia started meditating in 1989 and, inspired by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, began practicing mindfulness in 2009.  She trained with the Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School, and introduces mindfulness to individuals, community and voluntary groups, healthcare professionals and cancer support organisations.  She adheres to Good Practice Guideline for Mindfulness Teachers such as personal daily practice and regular attendance at trainings, workshops and residential retreats. 

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